In the past decade there was an immense development in the field of technology and considering the present situation where everything is digitized, there is also a rise in a new class of crimes in relation with the digital or electronic domain, increasing at a rate of 100% every year and this throws new challenges for the investigator and law enforcement in preventing the frauds and identifying the fraudsters. Digital/ Multimedia forensics typically deals in obtaining, preserving and documenting digital and electronic data/ evidence from computers, mobile phones, CCTV, digital cameras, pen drives/ flash drive/ memory cards and other storage media, using various licensed software and hardware tools.
Computer forensics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence from computers and other digital devices to investigate cybercrimes and security incidents. At Clue4 Evidence Forensic Lab we apply scientific methods and techniques to ensure the integrity of the data and provide evidence suitable for legal proceedings.
We recover data from-
Mobile device forensics is the process of recovering digital evidence from mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, often used in criminal investigations. At Clue4 Evidence Forensic Lab it involves data extraction, analysis, and preservation to uncover information related to user activity, communications, and device usage.
We Investigate –
Network forensics is the process of capturing, recording, and analyzing network traffic to investigate security incidents or breaches. At Clue4 Evidence Forensic Lab it involves examining data packets, logs, and other network artifacts to uncover evidence and understand the nature of an attack or unauthorized activity.
We Can
Multimedia forensics is the scientific examination and analysis of multimedia data, such as images, audio, and video, to verify authenticity and uncover evidence related to criminal or civil investigations. At Clue4 Evidence Forensic Lab we implement techniques to detect tampering, restore degraded media, and identify sources of content.
We Can do-
The best evidence is the original evidence. Evidence needs to be protected, against normal accidents, accidents in the analysis process, and tampering. For this reason, the actual analysis should be done on a verified copy, a forensic duplicate, of the original hard drive. Verification of evidence before starting analysis is an important step. Hash value of the evidence is computed and compared it with the hash value taken at the time of acquisition. If both the values are same, there is no change in the content of the evidence. If both are different, there is some change in the content. Analysis is the process of collecting digital evidence from the content of the storage media depending upon the nature of the case being examined. This involves searching for keywords, picture analysis, time line analysis, registry analysis, mailbox analysis, database analysis, cookies, temporary and Internet history files analysis, recovery of deleted items and analysis, data carving and analysis, format recovery and analysis, partition recovery and analysis, etc.
Also known as video surveillance and is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. At first viewing CCTV footage can often appear to be of poor image quality, a quality sometimes not sufficient to see some of the fine detail needed to make an adequate assessment of the events. Our CCTV forensic experts, using a wide variety of forensic imaging technology, can help to improve the quality and clarity of these images.
This CCTV image enhancement can be used on video footage or to capture enhanced stills from certain key parts of a CCTV recording, for example to see if a person is carrying a gun, weapon, etc. or to see more clearly a car’s registration plate. Image enhancement can often make a significant improvement to CCTV footage.
Image enhancement is the process of adjusting digital images so that the results are more suitable for display or further image analysis.
Video/Audio enhancement is the process of adjusting videos/Audios so that the results are more suitable for display or further analysis.
The authentication process determines whether or not the audio recording in question has been tampered with. The software that created the edits will be detected in the HEX information of that edited recording.
Identification of a person from characteristics of voices (voice biometrics). It is also called voice recognition Speaker verification is a 1:1 match where one speaker’s voice is matched to one template, whereas speaker identification is a 1: N match where the voice is compared against N templates.
Social media posts, status updates, photos, and conversations of an individual are investigated to provide information relevant to a case, to supplement evidence, establish character, support or disqualify an alibi.
We have access to high-powered software that makes for a quicker, more efficient search. We also have a strong understanding of ethics and know what data must be pulled for evidence to be admissible in court. This means we are well-versed in metadata, MD5 hash value, what is required for provability, and the rules that dictate what level of searching, friending, and following is allowed, depending on the case.
Non Profit
Questioned Documents
Fingerprint Examination
Digital Forensics
Crime Scene Investigation
Forensic Physics
Forensic Psychology
Business Intelligence
Fraud Investigation
Forensic Auditing
Institute of Investigation Sciences
Institute of Legal Studies
Institute of Behavioural Sciences
Institute of Media
Institute of Creative Arts
Questioned Documents Examination
Fingerprint Examination
Lie Detection
Digital Forensics
Cyber Crime Investigation
DNA Analysis
Accident Forensics
Fire Investigation
Serious Fraud Investigation
Forensic Auditing
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